A 12"x36" Full Color High Definition Digital Birth Chart that can be printed by any commercial print shop or kept on your computer. A High Resolution .pdf digital version of your birth chart which explains each item on your wheel and it's signifigance. This Legend Poster will display your personalized Natal Chart planets and other important points. This Legend Chart gives the most vital details about each of your planets and a brief summary of their potential power, effects or weaknesses. There are three options available for how to receive your Chart Legend. The standard method is by digital download link at no extra charge. All purchases of a Jewled Birth Wheel includes a free .pdf digital legend download. Additional options is your .pdf will be copied to a USB thumb drive and mailed to you. The third options is to recieve the Legend Guide in phsyical form Professionally Printed on high quality Ultra Glossy Poster paper and shipped to your address. See options below for pricing.
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Jeweled Astrological Birth Charts
Illuminated Manuscripts & Reports
Private Readings, Planetary Remedies & More.
"Your Birthchart is Art"
Jai Sri Hari - Astrological Artist

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