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Before he became an Astrological Artist, Jai Sri served humanity in the role of a Bereavement counselor and Memorial Coordinator in the Funeral and Aftercare industry. Later moving into the Pet and Companion Animal side of the business where he worked directly with families and individuals going through the death and loss of their beloved pet companions. In 2009, Jai changed his focus and received his Education in Healthcare as a Licensed Practical Nurse and has since then gone on to receive multiple awards and recognition in the field of Healthcare. He has worked both in Acute, Long term care and Hospice over the last 13 years. All the while, pursuing his fascination of the stars in the heavens and their magical ability to describe and even predict events on earth. In the fall of 2000, Jai had a life changing, near death experience followed by several years of spiritual revelations and mysterious medical challenges. Culminating in an unexplainable Spiritual or Divine experience. As a result, at the age of 29 he legally changed and adopted a Hindu/Vedic Devotional Name Jai Sri Hari. Which translates to "Praise and Victory to my Beloved and Radiant Lord (Hari) who removes Ignorance." Jai Sri considers himself more than just an astrologer. He states, "Anyone can be an astrologer in this technical age of Aquarius. Just type in someone's birth data on the internet and use google searches to find the interpretations. That is no more insightful or validating than trying to have a meaningful conversation with an Alexa device." Jai describes himself as an Astro-Theologist and practices the evolutionary form of Astrology which fuses the scientific elements of Planets and stars with the spiritual nature of humanity and their lives. He further elaborated on this by saying: "No matter who you are, nobody wants to feel they are alone. The scientific institutions have slowly put all of mankind under a spell by convincing people that they are nothing more than an assembling of carbon atoms into a human body and that we are doomed to a life of random events until our body dies. This is a lie. Every culture throughout recorded history and including all modern day religious institutions. Are based on the principle elements described by astrology. You can see it in their symbolism, their stories and their heroes. It's all around us, even the days of the week are named after the planets and we use them everyday without thinking twice about their origin. So we have a road map, we did not come here without some help to guide us through this maze we call life. The ancient astrologers knew this and were well respected and trusted amongst the people. For they could translate the map of the heavens, because they knew it was a Divine or Higher Language. They knew that what was happening in the heavens was a reflection of what is happening down here with us. That the whole is reflected and contained within each of it's smaller parts. Because I have this insight, it is my duty to share that with others, especially those who are lucky enough to have that same intuition that they are not alone and that the answers to all our questions do exist. And those answers are right above our heads, in place sight the whole time. An astrologer's gift is in being able to decipher this lost language and help those who are willing to know the truth and therefore willing to help themselves." Jai Sri Hari is a devotee to Lord Krishna and practices the path of Bhakti Yoga or the Divine Love Path of Spirituality. He has always had a knack for discovering things which are hidden or unknown. Describing himself by saying "I've chose to take the Red Pill." A reference to the revolutionary blockbuster Hollywood movie "The Matrix". Now Jai has turned his focus away from the material health of the "healthcare" industry and towards the spiritual health. Using his heightened and developed level of intuition and years of studying human behavior and the seeming cyclical patterns of events and how they are depicted in the stars.

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