Jeweled Astrological Birth Charts
Illuminated Manuscripts & Reports
Private Readings, Planetary Remedies & More.
"Your Birthchart is Art"
Jai Sri Hari - Astrological Artist

important to know before you buy
#1 an accurate & exact time of birth is essential for an astrology report to be accurate. If the exact time of birth is unknown or was not documented, the three most important foundations of a birth chart may be utterly wrong and therefore any interpretation will be wrong. this cannot be overstated. A birth time recalled from memory by the mother, is wrong 95% of the time. Only a small handful of personality traits and life features can be found using a bad birth time. Click here to learn more about the importance of the birth time and what options are available if a birth time is unknown.
#2 your birthchart is unique, like a fingerprint. your jeweled birth chart will not look anything like those pictured throughout this website. each wheel that I create is different, one-of-a-kind, and a result of spontaneous intuition and my artistic expression. Please be aware that custom art such as this requires flexibility and trusting my creative process.
#3 all jeweled birth charts are calculated using the whole sign house system. this is the most ancient system and the most aesthetically pleasing to this style of art. all interpretations, reports or personal readings are from this house system.
#4 All Jeweled Birth Charts will be calculated using the Tropical Western Zodiac, as this is the most commonly used system in the western world. if you prefer the sidereal (Hindu/Vedic) Zodiac, please let me know and I am more than happy to accommodate. All interpretations, reports and personal readings use a combination of both zodiacs.
#5 I welcome your special requests and will do my best to accommodate them. such as including specific asteroids, fixed stars, Arabic parts, nodes, adding glow in the dark features, etc.
#6 All Jeweled Birth charts will include the following bodies: the sun, moon, mercury, Venus, mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, part of fortune, ascendant, midheaven, north and south nodes of the moon and chiron. I may also include other significant astral objects.
#7 All Jeweled Birth charts are 12"x12" or larger.
#8 to maintain your birth charts vivid color and radiance. it should not be hung or placed where it receives direct sunlight. The Sun's UV light will discolor your wheel. Clean your wheel with soap and water and a soft cloth. 70% Rubbing alcohol quickly wiped on and off is also safe and can restore it's shine. avoid chemicals, heat or abrasives.
#9 I am unable to offer refunds due to the labor and custom nature of this art. I will do my best to work with you, answer any questions you have and keep you updated through the creation process.
#10 Please keep in mind that shipping outside the US, especially overseas is exceedingly expensive right now. with an average cost of around $270 plus insurance to locations such as Australia.